Who We Are


The Residence Halls Association

The Residence Halls Association (RHA) is a student organization dedicated to building community at Oklahoma State University through leadership, service, and fun. We serve as the representative body for our 5,000+ on campus residents and our 130+ leaders host social, educational, and philanthropic programming for residents to participate in throughout the year.



The Community Board of Directors (BoDs) make up the bulk of our leaders. Across campus, each hall or group of halls is represented by a Board of Directors, with 16 in total, made up of 7-15 individuals. They receive a $2,000+ budget to put on programs and events within their hall and serve as the representative body for their residents.



The RHA Eco-Reps are residents who work with the Vice-President of Sustainability to help OSU Housing & Residential Life conserve energy and resources. They promote an eco-friendly lifestyle, raise awareness about campus sustainability, and encourage resident participation in the ResLife Recycles program. Being an Eco-Representative allows you to gain knowledge as well as support the University’s Core Value, Stewardship of Resources, through peer education, outreach activities, green programming, and initiatives within the halls.


The RHA Programming Board puts on campus-wide events for all residents to attend. Each semester, the Programming Board puts on 16 or more programs that are open for all residents to attend. The board is divided into four committees that students can apply to join



The Marketing Committee is led by our RHA Vice-President of Marketing and handles all of the organization’s marketing efforts. These include designing event flyers and graphics, running our social media platforms and website, photography at events, and any other activities that affect our organization's marketing. This committee allows you to build some creative skills such as graphic design, creative writing, and good marketing techniques.



The RHA Officer Team oversees all entities of the organization. It is made up of six officer positions that run the different aspects of our organizations. The officer team also works with liaisons in our organization and manages executive committees of the organization.