NRHH Spring 2025-2026 Candidate Application
This is the application to become a candidate of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) in the Spring of 2022. As a candidate, you’ll be exposed to a taste of what NRHH offers within our core values of “Service” and “Recognition”. We do all sorts of things within those values ranging from volunteering at various city and campus events to recognizing those on campus who don’t receive as much recognition as they deserve.
When you become a candidate, you’ll be required to accumulate points in order to become a member. Members are also exposed to what NRHH entails within service and recognition. So, what’s the difference between being a candidate and being a member? As a member, you’ll be able to vote during meetings that require members’ votes in order to be passed. You’ll also be able to run for NRHH President at the end of the academic year. Candidates can still vote in meetings that allow candidate voting, but you can only run for Vice President positions during elections.
As per your point quota, you can accumulate points by going to events, service projects, attending meetings, and even by writing Of The Months (see “OTMs” under the NRHH tab). Don’t worry though, if you don’t meet your quota the first semester that you’re a candidate, you can always have your candidacy the next semester.
If you have any questions regarding the application or NRHH in general, contact the Director of NRHH at